If the cladding has become dirty, one may be wondering how to clean it. Several things should be considered before enlisting the services of a cladding cleaning company. First, make sure they have the tools and resources to complete the task. Secondly, make sure they have access to the building and adequate time to do the cleaning properly. Lastly, consider the height and size of the building when choosing a cladding cleaning company.
The materials that are used to construct cladding can be different from one another, and cleaning them correctly is crucial to avoid damage. For example, the wooden cladding may require yearly staining, while plastic cladding may need a protective coating. Cladding cleaning can be difficult during the winter months, as cold weather can wreak havoc on the surface of the cladding. Therefore, it’s better to opt for a cladding cleaning service during warmer months.
Cleaning PVC cladding requires hot water mixed with soap or another type of mild detergent. However, if the uPVC cladding has become stained, it’s better to use a cleaning solution made specifically for uPVC cladding. Such a solution will provide uPVC with protection from corrosion and stains. Concrete and cement cladding are non-porous materials that resist moisture and are easy to clean. But, industrial cladding cleaning requires special equipment and methods.
In addition to cladding cleaning, one should also keep in mind the type of wood that is used. Wood can be difficult to clean and can even be prone to warping and shrinking. For these reasons, hiring a cladding cleaning service is essential for maintaining the look of the building. Once the cladding cleaning service has cleaned it, one can apply the finishing touch by using a special cleaning agent. This cleaning agent can protect the investment from future damages and prevent any further damage.
Apart from adding value to the building, cladding needs to be cleaned. Keeping it clean will not only protect the cladding from further damage but will also improve its appearance and curb appeal. When one has a clean and hygienic exterior, the visitors will feel proud of visiting the property. Moreover, the cleaner and fresher the cladding is, the better its overall appearance.
High-rise buildings often have cladding that needs cleaning regularly. Jet washing is a great way to remove dirt and stains while steam washing is excellent for stubborn stains. With the use of steam, the heat from the cleaning solution will make the cladding easier to clean and restore its original appearance. Hiring a cladding cleaning service provider can save valuable time and ensure that the cladding is properly cleaned. This will not only improve the appearance of the property but also ensure a longer life expectancy.